The coffee club tvc

What a treat to work with such a passionate client! The Coffee Club have just launched their best ever blend, Three Stories and it was our job to tell Australia all about it with a TV / BVOD campaign. With the campaign running alongside sponsorship of MasterChef, it was a natural choice to feature MasterChef judge Andy Allan. As a judge of TV’s biggest cooking show, it’s easy to imagine Andy has a developed palate and discerning taste when it comes to his favourite coffee. We injected a little bit of humour as Andy’s assistant is compelled to head out in search of the ultimate coffee, discovering that the best cup can be found at The Coffee Club.
It’s a fun spot which had to be delivered fast, making thisr a great example of our Creative Flow™ process in action. Five steps to a brilliant campaign with Creative, Production and Postproduction all under one roof.